Tuesday, November 27, 2012

33 weeks

I realized I hadn't taken a belly picture since 26 weeks, which was 7 weeks ago, so today I took a picture and tried to upload it, but blogger is telling me I've used up all the space I'm allowed for pictures. What does that even mean? Oh well, maybe ill post the picture on Facebook for you guys.

Ive actually got something to blog about this time! Im currently 33 weeks and went in for my appointment today. I was telling my OB about the trouble I had with my eye last week. For those of you who didn't hear about that- heres a quick recap. The lesion in my right eye started bleeding again, which hasn't happened since the first trimester. It was quite a bit different from before- a lot more blood, and it bled a lot faster. It filled up my entire iris and formed a blood clot that took a couple days to dissolve. It kind of sucked :) I went to Salt Lake for an appointment with my specialist who said that overall the bleeding in my eye isn't overly worrisome, as long the pressure in my eye was under control,  which it was, and as long as the blood was draining, which it was. I asked what he thought about labor and delivery, and he said it would likely bleed, but again, as long as it was draining and my pressure was fine, then it wasn't overly worrisome if bled during labor and delivery.

Then today at my OB appointment I was just updating him and telling him all this, thinking it wouldn't really matter, but he should still probably know about it. Apparently he disagrees with my eye doc. He said that he would be more comfortable doing a c-section because eyesight is so important and he didn't want to mess with my eye if we couldn't control the pressure during labor and delivery. I was a little taken back, because up until this point I hadn't thought AT ALL about having a c-section. He also said that if i didn't want to have a c-section, he was fine with that, but he start me on an epidermal early in labor and monitor my pressure, and he wouldn't have me push at all, we would just wait for the baby to crown on its own, then use forceps or a vacuum to pull the little guy out. If we opt to have the c-section we could schedule it at 39 weeks, so around January 7th or 8th. So thats what we are currently contemplating. Schedule a c-section, or wait for it to happen naturally, but not be allowed to push or anything. We will see.

Also, for my own record keeping, I wanted to post how the pregnancy is going. Be prepared for some whining if you choose to keep reading. The third trimester sucks! I have braxton hicks ALL DAY EVERY DAY. There are honestly some days where I bet if I had timed it, I would have spent more time through out the day having braxton hicks than not. Lately when i have a braxton hicks it makes it really hard to breathe because my uterus is now so high that it pushes against the lungs as well.  Its really uncomfortable and obnoxious. Also the baby kicks me in the ribs sometimes, which is also uncomfortable and obnoxious. Any movement in the hip/pelvic area is painful- so walking, standing up, sitting down, getting in and out of the bed/car, rolling over in bed, ect. Basically I spend 90% of my day being extremely uncomfortable, and the other 10% in pain. And I still have 7 weeks to go! BUT all the whining and complaining aside, I love feeling him move and watching my belly move. I can tell exactly how he is positioned just by where I feel and see his movements. I think I will really miss feeling him move around once he is born. Lately ive been able to tell based off of pressure when he is going to make a big movement so Ive been able to get Chucks attention and make him watch. He thinks its pretty crazy. Overall I am hating the third trimester, but im excited to meet my son and I know he will be sooo worth it.

1 comment:

  1. You still look amazing, despite having rough third trimester.
