Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Price family update

Hello all! I feel like SO much has been happening lately at our house. Everything really has been such a whirl wind. I figure a late update is better than no update though so here we go.

Our biggest piece of new is that we are expecting an addition to our family! Im going to bore you with all the details. First of all, let me say that this was a HUGE surprise, but a surprise we are both ecstatic about and are welcoming with open arms.  I kept having all sorts of pregnancy symptoms, but the tests kept coming back negative. After about 4 weeks of feeling like crap I finally decided to call my doctor, who ordered a blood test and surprise! It was positive. Funny thing is I was only about 4 and a half weeks pregnant. I was shocked that I started feeling symptoms so early. I was also surprised at how soon I could tell a difference in my stomach :) Im currently 15 weeks pregnant and due January 12. Everyone keeps asking if we want a boy or a girl, but honestly we both just want a healthy, happy baby. We find out in about another 5 weeks what we are having. Pregnancy hasn't really been my friend so far. Up until about week 13 I had to eat about every 20 minutes otherwise I would start feeling really weak and sick. Sometimes it got so bad that I couldn't even get up the energy to go to the kitchen and get myself food. And on top of that I had absolutely no appetite. I had an aversion to food in general. The worst part was probably the exhaustion. I came home from work and would immediately lay down on the couch and I wouldn't move until bed time, which for a while was about 7:30 because I was so tired. Chuck often made and brought my dinner to the couch. Now that im in the second trimester my appetite and energy levels are doing much better.

A couple of months ago I had some issues with my eye again. For those who dont know/remember I have a lesion in my right eye that weve been watching for growth or change over the last several years to make sure its not cancerous. Well the lesion in my eye is very vascular, and it started bleeding. I had two epidsodes of the eye bleeding a couple weeks apart so my Dr here in Logan decided it was time for me to go back up to the  specialists in Salt Lake to see what they though. At the time it was all very scary and nerve wracking. When it bled it really fogged up my vision and there was also fear that if it bled too much the pressure in my eye would raise and cause other issues. Well the doctors were stumped as to why it suddenly was bleeding and we started talking again about having to go out to the world specialists in Philadelphia and possible having the lesion removed which could leave me blind or even dead if there were complications with the surgery. BUT THEN I found out I was pregnant and it all started making sense. When you are pregnant your blood flow and blood volume drastically increase which gives us an explanation for why my eye was bleeding. So thats the good news. The other news is that they measured the lesion in my eye again and it does seem to be growing a little bit, so im not totally out of the woods with my eye. They want to wait until after I have the baby to pursue any further tests or treatment though, so we will just deal with it later.

Probably one of the most frustrating updates I have to give is that we are selling our house. Its a REALLY long story that honestly just makes me so mad and upset that its not even worth sharing the whole thing, so Ill give a quick recap of whats happened with the house. We have a mother in law apartment in the basement that my sister Kira was living in up until they moved this past March. So we now had an entire basement that we didnt use, so we decide to have our friends Jason and Alyssa come live in the basement. We knew there could possibly be issues with the 'zoning' in our area, but we had heard and read so many different things from the city about having renters that we figured it was fine. Then someone from our ward (someone who has yet to EVER talk to us about this, even though they felt the need to call the city on us TWICE) had the city zoning people come out to our house and we finally got a straight answer from them about if we could have renters, and unfortunetly the answer is no, not unless they are related to us. So a month after Jason and Alyssa move in, they were being forced to move out. Chuck and I thought long and hard about it, and decided that since we dont have any family that needs a place to live, and we cant/dont use the extra space in the basement we would sell the house and simply move somewhere smaller. Our realtor really thought it was be best if we had furniture and what not in the basement, so we asked the city if Jason and Alyssa could stay just until we sold the house, that way the basement could stay furnished. To my surprise the city actually said yes, they could stay. But then  without warning that they had changed their minds we got a letter from the city stating we were in violation of the zoning laws and Jason and Alyssa had a month to get out or we would be fined. I know that seems really long, but im telling you, thats the short version. So now weve had our house on the market for about a month. Weve had lots of looks, but no offers yet. Heres a link to our listing online so some of you can actually see the house! We both love the house and are sad to leave, but it just doesnt make sense to stay here, when there is no way that we could use all the space.

Last but not least some exciting news! Chuck will be going to the police academy in January. It is very important to him that people know that he does NOT want to be a cop. Not that its not an honorable job, its just not his goal. He would love to one day work in government law enforcement. FBI, US Marshal, National park officer, those sorts of things. The police academy is just the first stepping stone to reaching his goal and im very excited and proud of him for pursing his goals. The ONLY thing im not excited about is that he starts classes January 7th, and im due to have this baby on January 12th. So once I have the baby he will be working all day,  and in school most of the night. It wont be easy, but I know we will make it work.

On top of all this ive been keeping very busy with my photography. Honestly its been exhausting to be pregnant, work full time, go to doctors appointments for both the baby and my eye, having the keep the house constantly clean for showings, and doing photography as well. It really is a very time consuming side job. A shoot usually lasts about 2 hours, but then editing can take anywhere from 3-6 hours just for one session. I love it though and im happy to be working and keeping busy.

Im sorry I dont have pictures of my pregnant belly to show you yet. All the pictures are on the new mac that I rarely use and havent figured out yet. Ill make chuck help me and we will post pictures soon.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. I knew most of it, but it was good to learn more. I love you all!
