Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy New Year!

Im a little late posting the traditional new year new goals blog post, but are any of you surprised? Here are some of my goals for this year.

-Become a better/more consistent home maker. I know Chuck loves me regardless, but I would to keep our house cleaner, have more homemade meals, decorate/personalize our house, and really make it reflect our personalities. The first project will be the dining room, since we started it this past weekend. Ill be sure to post before and after pictures once we are done.

-Home improvement projects. I know this kind of goes along with my first goal, but this way my list will seem longer :) I HATE the wall paper in the kitchen, so I want to paint that. We have a bright blue room which neither of us like. We have a great walk out onto the roof which could use a railing, I want to add stairs to the deck. I want to add a fire pit in the back yard. The front door could use a good sanding and sealing. The list goes on and on. And it all requires money. Which leads me to my next goal

-Build our savings back up. We did a lot of big spending this year, not all by choice. We bought our house, we bought a new (used) car, Chuck had an emergency appendectomy which in and of itself almost emptied the savings accounts. We bought Sonny, made repairs to the other car. Again, the list goes on and on. So we want to build up our savings again, which will be hard, because there are so many things we want to do, most of which are expensive :)

-Get my photography business up and going. I dont feel like this will be my full time job any time soon, but I want to take steps to get there. So just more shoots, maybe some advertising, some branding, ect.

-Take steps towards starting a family. I drive Chuck CRAZY with my bipolar feelings on when to start a family. Some days I think of all the things I want to accomplish and I think of how much easier that would be if we put off having kids. Not to mention how much I love sleep :) Then the very next day I say screw it, let start our family now! I think we will find a happy medium and have kids sooner than later, but still not anytime 'soon'.

-Loose some weight! I know thats on everyones to do list, but ever since I was diagnosed with insulin resistance back in June, ive just been packin it on! Its a really really stupid side effect, and my doctors have told me Ill have to work really hard just to get my body to STOP gaining weight, much less loose the weight. Its been really frustrating, to say the least.

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