Sunday, April 25, 2010

House :)

We put an offer on a house a couple weeks ago. Its an amazing house, 5 bed rooms, 2600 square feet and the most amazing backyard, its very charming. We weren't really even looking, but we found it and fell in love with it. Anyways, the offer was accepted, and right now we are just waiting to hear back from the bank and see if we are approved for the loan. There is still a lot to do, and a lot that could fall through, but we are hopeful and very excited. If we get the house ill be sure to take lots of pictures and post them.

Here are a couple of pictures ive been working on the last couple of days.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is amazing! That is the kind of house we're looking for right now! :) I'm really happy for you guys that is AWESOME!
    I like your pictures. Did you stand on the side of the road waiting for a motorcyclist? Because man did he deliver! ;)
